- Position
- Games Played
- Minutes Played
- Starts
- Substitution On
- Substitution Off
- Passes
- Passing Accuracy
- Passing Accuracy opp. Half
- Duels Won
- Duels Lost
- Duels Won (%)
- Aerial Duels Won
- Aerial Duels Lost
- Aerial Duels Won (%)
- Recoveries
- Tackles Won
- Tackles Lost
- Tackles Won (%)
- Clearances
- Blocks
- Interceptions
- Penalties Conceded
- Fouls Won
- Fouls Conceded
- Yellow Cards
- Red Cards
- Goals
- Penalty Goals
- Minutes Per Goal
- Total Shots On Target
- Total Shots Off Target
- Shooting Accuracy
- Successful Crosses
- Unsuccessful Crosses
- Successful Crosses (%)
- Assists
- Chances Created
- Penalties Won
- Offsides
Jonas started playing for Hanviken SK when he was 5 years old. At 15 he went to Sköndals IK where he played pojkallsvenskan for one year before moving to Tyresö FF for two seasons. His last junior season he played in Hammarby IF together with Azzurri legend Anton Picano.
He then moved on to playing division 4 with Peruvian club Amauta IF. After a two year break from football, he joined Trinacria Calcio FF in 2015 and he played there for two seasons.
In 2017 he was signed by AC Azzurri as a free agent. The rest is history.
Football idol – Raul Gonzalez Blanco